how to show teams sprints in jira?

Trent Hui May 9, 2024

hi team

I've one jira project with stories assigned to 2 teams. Each team has a respective scrum board to visualize their epic and stories. I can visualize sprints in timeline view.  

When it comes to ART level view, a separate scrum board is created, that means, a total of 3 scrum boards created. One for ART level, one for team A and one for team B. 

In ART level view, I can only see some sprints. I saw in a previous discussion that Roadmap can only display sprints that were created in the same Backlog. It can not show sprints from other projects / boards. 

Then why in my case, only a few sprints can be shown on project view?

Thanks & regards,

Team level

team level.png

ART levelart level.png

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Walter Buggenhout
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May 9, 2024

Hi @Trent Hui,

To display sprints from multiple teams, you should not use the timeline view from your project, but a Plan. If it is true that you are on a premium version of Jira, you should find plans from the menu at the top of your screen. There, you can pull in the boards from your multiple teams and build a consolidated view across your teams.

Hope this helps! 

Trent Hui May 9, 2024

thank you @Walter Buggenhout , yes I have the jira Plan. It will be look like this for displaying sprints for multiple teams, which looks closer to what I plan to achieve.

plan level.png   

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