JQL - Filter to exclude specific labels

emese sonnenschein
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May 9, 2024

I have to use 2 labels, label x and label z, for specific reasons.
But I need to create a filter to get all issues with label x but not with label z.

Is it possible somehow? I have tried IS NOT in vain.

Any suggestion?

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Dexter de Vera
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May 9, 2024

Hi @emese sonnenschein ,

Welcome to Atlassian Community,

In Jira JQL, you cant filter only specific Label without indicating the labels that needs to exclude.

But base on your case you want to search all issues with label x only excluding label z.

This JQL is the closest to it without plugins.

labels = "label x" AND labels NOT IN ("label z")

You can add additional label in NOT IN to exclude other labels.


Hope it helps!

emese sonnenschein
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 10, 2024

Thank you for your reply @Dexter de Vera 
I'll try that out.

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