How do i reopen a board linked to an team member

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May 9, 2024

Ive just taken over Admin responsibilites for JIRA from a previous admin user. He had a board linked to his personal account which we need to access - as his account has been closed is there a way to reopen the Project board ?

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Walter Buggenhout
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May 9, 2024

Hi @Paul_Cullingworth and welcome to the Community!

If you can still find the board in the list of boards (navigate to Your Work > Boards > View all Boards), you might be able to update the board location. Click on the 3 dots (...) behind the board name, click move and select a new location for the board. If you cannot find the board anymore, you may have to create a new board instead.

I usually advise against setting a user profile as the location for boards for exactly the scenario you are experiencing right now. By creating a team board as the location for boards (that does not necessarily needs to have issues in it), you can make sure that the board lives as long as the team that does the work.

Hope this helps!

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May 9, 2024

Thanks for the reply its much appreciated
i cant see the board anymore but im thinking of reinstating the user whos left to see if i can then access the board? then move it rather than creating a new one


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