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Information from custom fields shown in admin side request?

ACN Helpdesk May 7, 2024

As an admin I created a request with different custom fields like 'which system they are using', what their username is etc. Aside from these fields, I also added a form as I need some conditions for some of the questions.

When the ticket gets created, and I go to the admin side, I only see the information from the form directly in the ticket.

2024-05-07_13h02_08.pngAnswers to form in Admin ticket.png

The information that the end-user added as an answer to the custom fields is not shown.

How do I get this to show up in the admin side of the ticket as well?

Or should I just use the link 'view request in portal' which seems a bit silly to use.

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Jeroen Poismans
Community Leader
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May 7, 2024

Hi there,

To do this you will have to create Jira custom fields, which you can then link to fields on your Form:

Then you should add the fields to the view issue screen you use.


ACN Helpdesk May 7, 2024

Like I said above, I have created custom fields. I have these custom fields to the request as well and I have used these in a form. The problem is that it doesn't show the information to these fields when the end-user filled in these questions for their request.


Here you can see the filled in question from the ticket on the end-user side.



Jeroen Poismans
Community Leader
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May 7, 2024

So just to be clear, what you are missing on the "admin side" are fields with the answers "The Raiser's Edge", "Ticketing system" ... etc?

I do understand that you have a mixed Request form containing Custom Fields and a Form created in the Form designer.

What is normal behaviour is that you will see the fields on the Request form (added as Custom Fields) as fields on the resulting ticket. That I can see from your screenshot is ok. 

The other questions (in the Form) are in the Form section (bottom half of your screenshot). The way I understand your question now is how do you get the answers to those questions also visible as fields on the resulting issue?


ACN Helpdesk May 7, 2024

"The way I understand your question now is how do you get the answers to those questions also visible as fields on the resulting issue?" Yes, but perhaps we can work with how this looks now.

Or I could create a form with all the questions so they will show up together?

I needed to use a form as I need conditions to show new questions. Using a form is the only way right? I can't use the custom fiels and "attach" conditions to them?

Jeroen Poismans
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May 7, 2024

 I can't use the custom fields and "attach" conditions to them?

No, you can't but what you can do to achieve this is what I suggested in the first answer, but might have gotten lost in translation :-).

For each question on your Form (with the conditions), create a Custom Field that can hold that type of answer (text = text, yes/no = select ... etc).

Then in the Form editor you can link the questions to the just created Jira Custom fields and those fields can then be added to the View, as you did for the normal custom fields. When the customer now fills out the form, the answers get mapped to the new Customfields, which can be shown and grouped on the "admin side" of the issue.

The link in the first answer explains how to do this.


ACN Helpdesk May 7, 2024

Hi Jeroen, So that's what I already did then? Create custom fields and add them to a form. But then you select a specific question and choose a Jira Field to link it to?

I think I understand now! Thank you!

Jeroen Poismans
Community Leader
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May 7, 2024


ACN Helpdesk May 7, 2024

Quick question: you can only link these forms to existing custom fields from Jira? Because I searched for a custom field I have created and it won't show up in the dropdown menu?
ETA: Sorry! I needed to refresh first.

Jeroen Poismans
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 7, 2024

Make sure your field is scoped correctly and that it is of the correct type to hold the type of information that the form is going to put in that field.


  • Form text field => Text custom field
  • Form Yes / No radio button => Radio custom field
  • ... etc

Also refreshing your Forms editor might solve the issue if a just created field does not show up there.


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