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Capturing a requirement into JIRA

Ryan Keller
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March 15, 2024

Dear Members,


Our organization has recently started using JIRA.


We are trying to capture time tracking of developer/person working on this ticket.

Let us assume that the person working on Jira ticket does not have license to jira. So, we are capturing the name of person under ‘Staff Custom Field’.

Project Manager is getting update from the required person in excel sheet and updating the same in Jira.

Scenario: Staff 1 is working on Task1 and logged 2 hours and marked it as done, post that Staff2 started working on Task1 and moved it to In-Progress and logged 37 hours for work done by him/her against Task1.

We want to generate a report reflecting hours corresponding to the task and staff.


Any Suggestion or Feedback is much appreciated.


Trudy Claspill
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March 15, 2024

Hello @Ryan Keller 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Jira does not have a native report to show the time worked per person per issue. You would need to consider a third party app for that.

Additionally, how is the project manager specifying that the time they are logging against an issue is for another person?

Rising Star
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March 17, 2024

Hello @Ryan Keller,

Clockwork Automated Time tracking and Timesheets can help you with this.

Worklogs are assigned to users and cannot be assigned to Customfields.

So you can use the Worklog attributes feature to identify Worklogs when created based on the value of a Custom field on an Issue.

As per your use case, the Project manager who is a Jira user will be assigned to this ticket. However, the "Staff Custom field" at the time staff 1 is working on the issue should read 'staff 1'. Using automatic timers, when staff 1 moves the Issue to in-progress, time is tracked and when moved to DONE a worklog is created, with worklog attributes, you can use automation to set the attribute of this Worklog to STAFF1. When staff 2 starts to work on this issue,they would need to change the Custom field to staff 2 while working on this ticket and the Worklog created would have an attribute of STAFF 2

With this, you can use the Timesheet to get worklogs for staff 1 and staff 2 respectively.

Let me know if this is something you would like to try and I can help you get started. Please reach out to us here.


Deniz Oğuz
Rising Star
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March 18, 2024

Hi @Ryan Keller 

Although there are a lot of time tracking apps in the marketplace your requirement is a little difficult to handle properly. Because all of them works for licensed users. If you don't have too many staff and their number is not changing a lot, you can manage this with "Worklog Attributes". Note that a custom field will not work because, there can be multiple worklogs on a ticket but there will be only one value of a custom field per issue. Our WorklogPRO has "Worklog Attributes" and you can create a single select worklog attribute and generate timesheet reports for this attribute. You can also use "text attribute", it allows you to write any name.


Amay Purohit_RVS
Rising Star
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March 18, 2024

Hi @Ryan Keller 

Welcome to the community !! 

If you would be interested in a mktplace app to get this data, you can try the add-on we have developed. You can easily view time entries by multiple resources in a single view. And also add your Jira columns in the report with the ability to export to a CSV as well.

Worklogs Time Tracking & Timesheets

The app allows to filter/Categorize/Group By your worklogs data and a timesheet view too to track individual time spent. 

Disclaimer : I work for the vendor who built this app



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