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Missing "Go To" options?

David Pezet April 21, 2023

I'm very excited about this and hope it helps bouncing to some of the buried screens! So far though, my "Go To" list doesn't include all the same options as shown in the example images. Is there a trick to getting items in the list?

Screenshot 2023-04-21 114713.png 

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Emily Ditchfield
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 23, 2023

Hey David! Excited that you're already using the functionality. 

The command palette includes location specific navigational functionality - if you're in a general location you'll receive just the "Atlassian Search" navigation, if you're inside a Jira Software project you should have navigation to move to your board, backlog, roadmap or reports, or to use the page search functionality. 

Let me know if you have any other questions!

David Pezet April 24, 2023

Thanks for the additional info Emily! Even in a Software Project the options seem limited. Are there any special board/project permissions needed for it to see them maybe?

It would be great if the the options were responsive kinda like a merging of the "." menu and the new "/" search bar functionality, where as we typed the options would update. For example, maybe it would start listing options for the current project, but typing a project key/name might start showing options for the typed project, boards, reports etc, no matter what project you are in, and similarly, starting to type settings might show various project/site settings pages.

Project Pages:

Screenshot 2023-04-24 104003.png

Project Settings:Screenshot 2023-04-24 103714.png

Issues Panel:Screenshot 2023-04-24 103329.png

Issue View:Screenshot 2023-04-24 102934.png

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Emily Ditchfield
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 25, 2023

Thanks for your response! This is a great point - currently the "Go to" actions will appear where-ever the current shortcuts (1, 2, 3, and 4) are functional, looks like that doesn't cover the full project space. 

Awesome idea for the specific project capabilities - do you often work and navigate across multiple projects?

David Pezet April 25, 2023

Thanks for the quick response Emily! Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to get the Board option to appear at all. What screen should I be able to see this from?

Yes, a significant part of our staff works across many projects. Unfortunately the compatibility/feature gaps between the traditional roadmap, advanced roadmap, boards, company managed projects, and team managed projects, leaves us bouncing from project to project. We are grateful for any bits that might help navigating between them easier.

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