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Discussion: Searching for issues in the command palette

Anya Nagarajan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 12, 2023

Hello everyone,

Thanks for joining the community and trying the command palette! We'd like to know more about what you'd like to search in the palette.

I love effortlessly searching for issues assigned to me in the palette. What other issues would you like to search in the palette, and how do you currently search them in Jira? 

What else would you like to search on the palette besides issues? Also, what do you think of typing '#' to switch to issue search mode?




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Christopher Carman
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June 13, 2023

Biggest item missing for me is the ability to focus + edit fields. While I enjoy the new layout, it's tedious to visually hunt the fields down (or use browser search) and physically click them with my mouse.

Previously on our server installation, we could use comma (,) to search for a field (e.g. story points, sprint, epic) and quickly edit it with just the keyboard. Very efficient.

It would be super helpful to have that again with the command palette, similar to the "Change status (transition)" workflow.

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Luke Ellery
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 13, 2023

Good points @Christopher Carman :-) I was about to say the same thing. I like the idea of using search to find fields or points on the page that I'm on. It just makes moving around the screen way faster. 

The hashtag one is interesting. I'm keen to see what the rest of the community here thinks. I'm in two minds. In theory I really like having a dedicated space for searching issues, but in practice I feel like I'd rather just start typing and expect great results. 

Kalin U
Rising Star
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June 14, 2023

I would expect that the command palette does everything that the . (dot) menu does plus extra, like the # suggestion to search for issues (or Confluence content even).

You may get inspiring ideas from PowerToys for Windows's own PowerToys Run, especially the direct commands concept. Or you can take a look at DuckDuckGo's Bang commands concept too.

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Tomislav Tobijas
Rising Star
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June 14, 2023

I would expect that the command palette does everything that the . (dot) menu does plus extra

Definitely backing this part about the . (dot) menu^

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Anya Nagarajan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 14, 2023

Thanks @Kalin U @Tomislav Tobijas !! What commands do you use and like in the dot menu? 

Kalin U
Rising Star
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June 15, 2023

I often navigate to the automations sections in a project or in the site, user management, customers, queues in service projects, project pages, workflows. You name it :)

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Tomislav Tobijas
Rising Star
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June 17, 2023

Yeah, for me, it's pretty much the same as @Kalin U mentioned.

Although I mostly use it to navigate to schemes pages in Jira administration and I actually like that it saves me a couple of clicks each time.

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Tiago Cardoso June 21, 2023

Native JQL search?

I love to use the Chrome Custom Search Engine to run JQLs

Couldn't the search box naturally understand that what I'm typing is a custom JQL and throw me to the results? This could also be applied to any other searchbox in Jira, to be honest. It's a bit frustrating to struggle to reach to the JQL search by passing a text search first.

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