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Beta Program - FAQ

How do I get access?

  1. Go to your Personal settings page by clicking on your account icon in the top corner of the screen

  2. Scroll to the Jira labs

  3. Toggle ON the Command Palette.

Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 10.30.25 am.png

I want a command to be added! How do I give you feedback?

This is an initial release, so more commands will be coming soon. If you want suggest a new command either post it here (in this group), or send us feedback using the Let us know link inside the command palette.


Why can’t I find the ticket/issue I was searching for in Command Palette?

For now, you can only search open issues assigned to you, or recently viewed issues. If there’s a certain type of search you’re looking for, post it here (in this group), or send us feedback using the Let us know link inside the command palette.


What’s happening with the dot menu in Jira?

We hear you… this looks a lot like a newer (hopefully better) version of the dot “.” menu. We don’t have any plans yet for this feature. We’d love to know how you use it or what brings the most value for you through the dot menu, so we can bring that same functionality into the command palette.



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