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best way to create a custom complex form?

I'm looking to create a form that becomes a gate in order to creates tasks, this form needs to allow complex logical conditions when answering as well as having multiple logical answers as needed from predefined dropdown boxes, that then will translate into a task or request used to manage a service project.

as of now the basic Jira forms are highly restrictive and do not provide what I'm looking for any suggestions?



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AJohnston August 26, 2022

While I haven't done it personally, I think the old way of using custom fields is going to be the only other option.

Another option is to use an app, like "Extension for Jira Service Management".

Also, depending on what you're doing, you may be able to create a simple form, then use automation to do a lot of heavy lifting. I haven't found automation to be 100% successful for my efforts, but it's an option.

Orlando Ramirez August 26, 2022

my main issue is that i need a entry on the form to be able to be duplicated with different subsets of logical conditional options depending on the amount that is required, since it could be 3 entries as it could be 10 each branching from different subsets 

Nenad Micic August 28, 2022

Hi there, 

Regardless whether you use form or out-of-the box solution for complex task's you will need some sort of automation and iteration. 

Example for the beginning create request type that have first set of fields that need to determine what is next, lets say custom field "Company". Based on value selected in Company i would create automation that would provide you with right Form for that company.

Form would be dynamic and have the remaining options for further classification. Once the form is submitted i would create automation that would sort it in right issue type, request type, create subtask's notify the correct assignee etc. 

Remember that forms can be attached during any step of your process and that it can also serve as a trigger. Also if you set it correctly it can be populated during any step of the process even by customer with out license... that is equal to editing ticket with out agent license which is cool if you think about it since you can count on requestor to fill in the blank at any point.

Hope this would be helpful and please let me know in case you have any questions. 

Best Regards,

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