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Runner limits?

Steven_Esemplare April 26, 2022

How will the autoscaler handle the limit of 100 workspace/repository runners? Will the process fail to create a new runner?

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o_kyrdan April 27, 2022

Hi @Steven_Esemplare 

Thank you for your question!

The autoscaler will check the count of runners according to the limit (now it is 100).

If runners count more or equal 100 the autoscaler notifies about the limit reached in the logs and stops creating new runners.

The autoscaler process will not fail, just will skip creating during the current attempt.

Scale-up/scale-down will work in the limit.

With the next attempt, the count of runners could be less than the limit of 100 after some builds are finished and scaled-down. So, if required, the autoscaler could scale up and create some new runners.


Best regards,
Oleksandr Kyrdan

AUG Leaders

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