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add a rule action to "Raise Error"

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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November 29, 2023

Greetings, community!


It appears I can no longer create suggestions via the system dashboard, so I'll try this forum.  (Aside: in case you are interested, this path no longer works: system dashboard > suggestions > create > open suggestion link...loops back to the dashboard.  I suspect it is because I am now only on a free license.)


Back to the topic...

Automation rules can sometimes fail in unusual ways.  Although the validation checks before publish are improving, they cannot detect everything.  For example, when conditions do not match what was planned for the design of a rule.

What do people think of adding a "Raise Error" action for rules?  This could be used when something unexpected happens in the execution of a rule.  The behavior would be to trigger the built-in error handling to halt execution, perhaps providing an message with the action, and notifying the rule owner using the normal email processing.

Bonus points: in the rule header details, add an option to enable / disable any "Raise Error" actions found.  This would allow debugging longer rules by adding halting conditions and without the need to remove the actions / re-publish.


Kind regards,



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