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Convert number to time format like (d:hh:mm) in Automations

Andrey Miranda Diaz September 26, 2023

Good  afternoon ,

I have created an automation using smart value that returns in a text field the minutes from when the ticket was created until reaching the Done status.


Can you help us with a solution to modify the

number in the text field to modify it in the format (dd:hh:mm) or return it in some similar format

This is the Automation


Screenshot 1.jpg

Screenshot 2.jpg

1 comment

Alisa Zamaraeva
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 26, 2023

Hi @Andrey Miranda Diaz 

It's possible to show time difference in "pretty" format.

Here's the smart value I used to get a positive value and the result I got:


Screenshot from 2023-09-27 12-29-43.png


Documentation - Jira smart values - date and time 

Hope this helps, Alisa

Andrey Miranda Diaz October 2, 2023

Thank you so much,

The suggestions were very helpful.


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