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Phishing mail about invoice from atlassian

swapnil dhondkar
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March 14, 2024

Hi Team,


Today, I received fake invoice email from Atlassian with PDF. FYI, I have never purchased any product of Atlassian.


Below is the message I received - 


Thanks for choosing Atlassian. This email is to confirm that we’ve received your payment for the invoice IN-001-081-543. The invoice is attached as a PDF for your records.


Mail come from this id - 


I haven't clicked PDF attachment due to security reasons. 








1 comment

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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March 15, 2024

Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

If this is genuinely from Atlasssian, then you, or someone using your email address, has bought and paid for an Atlassian service.

Before you do anything else, have a closer look at the email's detailed headers - check that the from, reply, and domain fields are all (some more sophisticated phishers spoof the addresses that most email clients display but they often leave traces of the actual origin in the header that is a giveaway)

If the headers don't show anything that suggests it might not be Atlassian sending it, then your next steps are:

  • Log into using the Atlassian account tied to the email address that you received this email on.  This will show you everything you have subscribed to, and will include the invoice you've got via email (if it is genuine)
  • If the invoice is not in there, then forward the email to with a short explanation


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