Confluence Cloud: Scaling and growing once again!

Building off our momentum in March, we're excited to announce the Confluence 150,000 early assessment program (EAP), enabling larger enterprises to start their migration journey.

Tailoring scale to achieve enterprise collaboration at scale

Confluence is the centralized knowledge management and collaboration tool for large organizations that connects work across teams. Because it's used org-wide, scaling Confluence is critical for our largest enterprise customers. That’s why we’ve built our early assessment program.

Many of you may be familiar with the concept of an early access program - or EAP. This works a little differently. When you sign up to join this program, you can start planning your cloud migration. Our teams will work with you to assess your existing footprint on-prem and how to migrate to meet your desired end state. You’ll start with a scale assessment that looks at your specific data shape to get a holistic picture of your product usage. Using this input, our product team will partner closely with you to provide tailored recommendations for effectively scaling your ways of working in the cloud. Remember, migrating to the cloud is not just a technological shift; it's a transformation journey.

As a large enterprise, you’ve been dealing with a lot of complexity for a long time. You have more users, data, third-party apps, security requirements, and more that make administering an instance at scale difficult. Your migration is an opportunity to evaluate what you’re doing today and adopt new ways of work to elevate your teams long-term. This assessment program will help you pinpoint these areas alongside our perspective guidance so your instance grows with you. Plus, your feedback will be used to shape our roadmap.

Looking ahead to 2024 and beyond

As we move towards 2024, we’ll continue to focus on building more performant experiences at scale and share guidance that enables teams to successfully setup and scale their instances in the cloud.

With server end of support fast approaching, it’s time to start planning your migration. To join our early assessment program, contact our enterprise advocates.



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