Jira Charting Plugin

Dominique dHotman May 31, 2012

I have installed the plugin from the Jira admin interface by searching for the plugin and clicking the install button. I followed the instructions here: https://studio.plugins.atlassian.com/wiki/display/JCHART/JIRA+Charting+Plugin and create the 2 custom fields. I tried putting the Date of First Response field on the create issue screen and edit issue screen. But the field doesn't appear on the screen. I've looked in the database to see if the field was maybe automatically populated and wasnt actually suppose to be on the screen but it doesn't look like the field has ever been used.

I tried adding the first time response chart to a dashboard and it says something like 1400 hours so its obviously not working properly. I am not sure if I've configured this incorrectly or if this is a bug.

Please help?


1 answer

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Jaan Raamets May 31, 2012

The fields should be automatically populated. So put them on the view issue screen and re-index JIRA.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 31, 2012

Jaan has given you the right answer.

An explanation:

>I tried putting the Date of First Response field on the create issue screen and edit issue screen. But the field doesn't appear on the screen.

Yes, that's because it's a DISPLAY field, and doesn't actually have an "edit" template at all. That's because it's derived from other data and not for the users to enter. It could never appear on create issue anyway - the field can logically have any data after the issue is created and then responded to.

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