Custom fields

Upasna_Bassi November 27, 2015


I wanted to find out the number of custom fields per project. Could anyone please help me by giving me a script or method to do the same?



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 27, 2015

There's no easy way to do that - you need to read the field contexts, all the field configurations for the project, then the three screens in each of the screen schemes, the screens in the workflow, and any functions in the workflow that might be using them.

Take a step back and ask "why"?  What does the custom field usage per project tell you?  Why do you think you need it?

Upasna_Bassi November 29, 2015

A report needs to be made from my part. And there I need to mention number of custom fields per project.

And I think there is a groovy script for finding custom fields in complete JIRA, but I am unable to figure out how to run it for a particular project.

If you can help me with that, please respond.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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November 30, 2015

Again, the question is "why", because you need to establish whether all the places a field *could* be used by a project need to be scanned.

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