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Welcome Weekend: What is your favorite project management tool?

Hello everyone! I hope you doing well & safe!

This is the welcome weekend post of the Tech group and this is the second weekend of February 2021.

In this post, I always welcome new users of this group and let them engage in the community that we believe in!

Now, let's welcome the new members of this group:

@John Gunerli @Mohammad Younes @Mateo Vilar @Attila Szuts @Adrian Colegate @Peter Connelly @Mads Mello 

Welcome to the Atlassian community and to this group. 

You can read, share, solve and enjoy!

Image result for trello jira gif

If you don’t use a project management system, you can spend a lot of time on small things and do more than you need to.  It is difficult to trace who is working on that.  Interaction between groups does not work and is spread through email and chat systems. As a result, the deadline is missed and customers are happy.  It is important to use an effective project management system to help you stay organized in the work when you design and execute projects.

So the question of the week is,

What is your favorite project management tool?

Thanks for being here and reading this post.

Have a nice day! Take care!



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Clark Everson
Community Leader
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February 13, 2021

When setup the properly, I actually find Jira to be one of the best. I’ve used a ton, like smart sheets etc

though for no frill I do like trello

the problem I have with most tools is they try to throw all the features in there at once but make you have to see them all. Sometimes those features aren’t needed and you just want to get started. Trello is really good at this, you open a board good to go. Jira next gen is pretty good at this aspect too. But I’m big on features of apps not becoming blockers, and I felt other tools did that.

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Vero Rivas
Rising Star
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February 13, 2021

Hi @Soumyadeep Mandal - SaM  SaM

  Depending on what needs you have, I can't deny it Jira or Trello, they are my favorites.

  Happy Weekend !!!


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Taranjeet Singh
Community Leader
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February 13, 2021

I like Jira and Trello for any kind of project management needs. Jira being more flexible and customizable, and Trello being east to set up and use.

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Attila Szuts
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 17, 2021

Hello everyone, thanks for the warm welcome!


I've just started using JIRA and so far I really like it. However for non-it related projects I really like Notion. It has powerful features when sed properly, combining project tracking with knowledge management in one single interface.

Nir Arad February 28, 2021

Anyone using Asana?

I use the free version, mostly for shared TODO lists, but I know some people use the paid versions for project management.

Suvradip Paul
Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 3, 2021

I think it's hard to name the favourite PM tool. 

In summary, the choices would depend on the nature of project, cost associated, the ease of use of features and the people involved around.

So, the decision needs to be made as a collective outcome of these factors.

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
September 21, 2021

I tried many tools before:

  • My employer's Internal project management tool 
  • MS Excel - more as a to do list
  • MS Project - to identify dependencies between different tasks and streams
  • Todoist - easy to start. Similar to Trello
  • Notion - you need to find a good template or spend some time setting up.
  • Jira - Powerful for collaboration and dependencies. Integration with other tools is great too!
Darryl Lee
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 1, 2022

For the heavy collaborations across teams with many details to be aware of, I would go for Jira. It's even getting extremely powerful with Confluence to keep every single individual aligned!

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