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Touch support broken and pen/ink support missing

Jason Bridges
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May 6, 2024

Does anybody have any luck getting "touch" to work properly?  We cannot use our MS Surface devices or our Large-Format digital touchpanels to work with whiteboards.  For example: Dragging a note from the toolbar causes a note to pop out, but then the page to scroll, and letting go causes the note to disappear.

Also, ZERO support for free-ink seems like an incredibly limiting decision.  Can the team provide insight into updated touch/ink plans?  

If these are not a priority or a design consideration, then we will move on to other solutions that embrace a modern "mouse-free" interface.  

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s_weber May 6, 2024

We got the Kanban Board to work with using latest version of Google Chrome and activating the "Touch" Feature flags. You can find multiple different different settings in the feature flags. 

There is lots on the internet around Googles additional Touch capabilities. 

Firefox and Edge hate nothing comparable...

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