Jira JQL - The linked issues

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May 19, 2024

Hey everyone!

I have issues in the active sprint and also have issues that are not in the sprint but are linked to an issue that is in the sprint
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I have an issue called Testing1 and it is in the active sprint, and have an issue called Testing2 that is not in the active sprint but linked to the Testing1

So what I am looking for, is to be able to search for all issues in the sprint + link issues to the sprint. Moreover, I want to see Testing1 and Testing2 when I search, and I tried to search how to do it in JQL and didn't have a solution 


This JQL shows me the issues in the sprint
project = "Project" AND Sprint in openSprints()
So can someone help me with it to make it searchable for issues to the sprint?

2 answers

2 votes
Jack Brickey
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May 19, 2024

Hi @user1716110792187 , you cannot achieve this with native JQL. You would need an addon, e.g. Scriptrunner or similar.

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Charlotte Santos -Appfire-
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May 20, 2024

Hi @user1716110792187

I’m Charlotte, a support engineer at Appfire and I’m here to help you.

Unfortunately, natively, you’ll not be able to do it dynamically.

In the app where my team works, JQL Search Extensions for Jira, you can use this query to get all issues in the sprint plus linked issues to tickets in the sprint:

project = "ABC" AND Sprint in openSprints() OR issue in linkedIssuesOfQuery("project = 'ABC' AND Sprint in openSprints()")

 Please contact our support if you have any other questions about this query.

We’ll be happy to help you! 😉

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