How do I change the data refresh rate when using JIRA Cloud for Sheets

David Terrell
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May 18, 2024

How do I change the data refresh rate when using JIRA Cloud for Sheets. The minimum refresh rate is 1 hour. How do I change the refresh rate to a smaller value. 

We would like for the data to refresh every minute when we are discusing tickets and need an update.


Thank you.


David Terrell

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Jehan Bhathena
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May 20, 2024

Hi @David Terrell 

Didn't find any reference to reducing the Refresh time further, but to give you an insight, I don't think a SaaS application will allow a 1 min refresh for a Jira issues, it puts quite a lot of load on the servers that handle this and would be really doubtful if a something as aggressive as a 1 Min Refresh would be that useful.

While I assume you're aware of the manual refresh option, I'd suggest using that while you discuss the tickets in a Meeting, since I'm pretty certain that while you'll discuss a topic you won't want to change course the very next minute just because a few tickets were updated in the last minute.

PS: there is a Rate Limit for APIs as well so the 1 min refresh rate might get blocked by that too.

David Terrell
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May 20, 2024

Thanks, is it possible the refresh can be changed at all? Even if it's 10 minutes.


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