Text from textbox saved from ConfiForms to Jira gets malformed

Adrian M May 17, 2024

Consider these two field definitions and value assignment

DescriptionHidden (hidden)

DescriptionInput (textbox)

DescriptionHidden = [entry.DescriptionInput]

Under certain other selections on the form the DescriptionInput field will be shown to the user. That input is saved to Jira. The form works fine.

However ever now and then I see the text from that textbox not formatted correctly. So this issue is intermittent.

Here is the latest incident info from ConfiForms database:

DescriptionInput = This Vendor does not support PingFederate for SAML or OIDC.

DescriptionHidden = [ " T h i s v e n d o r d o e s n o t P i n g F e d e r a t e f o r S A M L o r O I D C."]

Text saved to Jira description field = [ " T h i s v e n d o r d o e s n o t P i n g F e d e r a t e f o r S A M L o r O I D C."]

Any suggestions on why this happens and how to prevent it?

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 17, 2024

Do you have multiple rules setting the value for the "DescriptionHidden" field?

Adrian M May 22, 2024

Yes there are multiple rules. There is a dropdown and when a selection is made, show the DescriptionInput. 

Scenario #1 - Selecting option1 in dropdown shows DescriptionInput field. The value of DescriptionInput is set to the hidden field.
Example: DescriptionHidden = [entry.DescriptionInput]

Scenario #2 - Selecting option2 in dropdown shows DescriptionInput field and other fields. Then all are assigned to the DescriptionHidden field
Example: DescriptionHidden=[entry.DescriptionInput]\\n [entry.AppRegistration]\\n \\n [entry.CSP]

Scenario #3 - Selecting option3 in dropdown hides DescriptionInput field but other fields are shown and then all are assigned to the DescriptionHidden field
Example: DescriptionHidden=This what is required \\n \\n *Code:* [entry.CodeRepo] \\n *App Name:* [entry.AppName] \\n *Current [entry.AuthType.label] expires on:*  [entry.CurrentExpiryDate.formatDate(MMM-dd-yyyy)]

I opened this ticket as the issue showed up in scenario #2. I've seen this issue previously but I don't have that info right now to confirm that the issue only shows in scenarion#2

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 22, 2024

So, how many rules attempt to set the value for the "DescriptionHidden" field at once?


Try enabling "debug mode" on the ConfiForms Registrations Control macro that will show you which rules get triggered at what time

Adrian M May 22, 2024

Previously I was setting values to the hidden field per input field. The issue with that is when users click in and out of various fields, the value in those fields was getting appended to the hidden field over and over. So I changed the logic only set the value once. e.g. - DescriptionHidden=[entry.DescriptionInput]\\n [entry.AppRegistration]\\n \\n [entry.CSP]

This issue is intermittent. Access to enable logging is restricted. I'm not able to do that.

Another strange issue occasionally happens is that at times some fields values that are to be captured into the hidden field don't get their values saved in Jira. The form validation does not kick in. The value shows in the confiforms database. But Jira does not have that field value whereas other fields values in DescriptionHidden are there in Jira.

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 22, 2024

It is a macro parameter (to enable logs) - how can it be restricted!?

Adrian M May 22, 2024

I've enabled the parameter. I cant enable the logging as per the link in the parameter guidelines.


Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 23, 2024

I am talking about the "debug mode" parameter in the ConfiForms Registrations Control (FormView) macro

Adrian M May 24, 2024

Sorry, yes I've switched that one on now.

Here is screenshot of a test. There is only one textbox for DescriptionWhatText for user input whose value is then set to DescriptionWhat (Hidden).

I see the value ('test what requirements') being set in bits and pieces. Seems that happens if the user edits the content in that field or clicks out and back in to add more content.



Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 24, 2024

See, what is going on?

You have multiple rules triggering multiple values to be set to the same field at the same time. 

Make sure you set the value as text and that it's triggered from one single rule at the same time

Adrian M May 24, 2024

I looked through the form and here is the sequence of fields/actions. The value to the DescriptionWhat hidden field is being set only once at the end. I cant post this as text as this editor complains about format and that I've already posted it but I don't see it. So posting an image



Adrian M May 24, 2024

I looked through the form and here is the sequence of fields/actions. The value to the DescriptionWhat hidden field is being set only once at the end.

DescriptionWhat (hidden)

DescriptionWhatText (Textarea for user input)

AppRegistration (Hidden)

AppRegistrationTypeInput (radio buttons for user input)

Code (textbox for user input)

AppName  (textbox for user input)

CSP (Hidden)

CSPInput (radio buttons for user input)

CSPJiraTicket (Jira field for user input)


Condition -> Request:AzureAPPRegisteration AND AppRegistrationTypeInput:Existing

Set Values -> AppRegistration=\\n *App Registration Type:* [entry.AppRegistrationTypeInput]\\n *Code:* [entry.Code]\\n *App Registered Name/ID:* [entry.AppName]


Condition -> Request:AzureAPPRegisteration AND CSPInput:Yes

Set values CSP=\\n *CSP Approved:* [entry.CSPInput]\\n *CSP Approved Jira Ticket:* [entry.CSPJiraTicket.key.escapeJSON]


Condition -> Request:AzureAPPRegisteration AND CSPInput:No

Set values -> CSP=\\n *CSP Approved:* [entry.CSPInput]


Condition -> Request:AzureAPPRegisteration

Set Values -> DescriptionWhat=[entry.DescriptionWhatText]\\n [entry.AppRegistration]\\n \\n [entry.CSP]

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 25, 2024

Do you mind opening a support ticket and providing the whole configuration in a page storage format

Hard to advise anything - as you can see the logs show that 2 values are about to be set to the field "DescriptionWhat" and multiple times

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